İnşaat ve Mimari İle alakalı Çekilmiş Mutlaka İzlenmesi Gereken Filmler
`Mimari` ve inşaat alanında özellikle mimar ve mühendislerin izleyip dersler çıkartabileceği pek çok `film` var.
1. How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr Foster?(2010)
2. The human scale (2012)
3. Large Horizonte: Around the day in 80 Worlds (2013)
4. The Competition (2013)
5. Away From all suns (1961)
6. Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision (1994)
7. Kochuu: Japanese Architecture / Influence and Origin (2003)
8. Antonio Gaudí (1984)
9. Frank Lloyd Wright (1998)
10. The World of Buckminster Fuller (1974)
11. Citizen Architect: Samuel Mockbee and the Spirit of the Rural Studio (2010)
12. Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner (2008)
13. Sketches of Frank Gehry (2005)
14. The Architect and The Painter (2011)
15. My Architect (2003)